Roger Lanken, born in the rugged terrains of Colorado, discovered his passion for off-road adventures at a young age. His father, a seasoned rancher, introduced him to Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs) which quickly became his obsession. Pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder, he specialized in automotive design. Post-graduation, Roger joined Polaris Inc., where he contributed to the design and testing of their UTV models. His weekends were spent exploring rocky trails, improving his UTVs, and sharing his adventures on his blog, SideBySideKings. His extensive hands-on experience, technical knowledge, and love for the outdoors made him a reputable figure in the UTV community.
Born amidst the rugged terrains of Colorado, I was introduced to the adrenaline rush of off-road adventures at a tender age by my rancher father. The world of Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs) soon became my obsession. I pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder, specializing in automotive design. Upon graduating, I joined Polaris Inc., delving into the design and testing of UTV models. My weekends were devoted to exploring rocky trails, fine-tuning my UTVs, and sharing my escapades on my blog, SideBySideKings. My hands-on experience, technical acumen, and unyielding love for the outdoors blossomed, earning me a reputable stance within the UTV community.